Hello Voluptuary! If you are ready to shift from your pain and punishment paradigm into your pleasure & potency lifestyle, you are in the right place!

Welcome to Toran McGill Life Services

A Voluptuary by definition is: a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit and enjoyment of luxury and sensual pleasure

Around here, we know pleasure to be a devotion, a prayer,  a practice, and a primary source for our desires. 

Take a look around; a curious mind is most welcome. 

When you finish looking around, you can either apply to work with me here or head right to the shop and put in your basket your chosen access to me. 

Thanks for being here. Take care of you and take care of your pleasure, and I will see you when I do.

With Pleasure & Potency,

The Pleasure Priestess

I work with YOU. 

I initiate your sovereignty and divinity through your body. Connecting you mind, body and soul to your pleasure. 

Do you want to increase your Intimacy Intelligence? Do you want deeper love connections and healthy relationships? 

Are you experiencing a disconnect from yourself? Knowing there is something more/better. Really craving it to be deeper and more expansive. 

Are you experiencing a slump or a mundane Sex life? Do you desire to be multi-orgasmic and/or last longer in bed? 

Do you yearn for a deeper Intimacy Intelligence; a connected sense of Body Freedom; potent release from the shackles of performance anxiety; shame and guilt? 

Whether you want to experience epic orgasms, deep healing, spiritual breakthrough, sacred Sex, or something in between. 

I’d love to help you with this.

i’m toran

  • The Pleasure Priestess

  • Pleasure Embodiment Coach 

  • Certified Sex, Love & Relationships Coach 

  • Certified Men’s Sexuality and Tantric Sex Coach 

  • Body Doula 

  • Luminary of Pleasure 

  • Daimyo

  • Poet and Author

I initiate people to their Sovereignty and Divinity through their bodies

I erect conscious cocks of GodKings. I awaken Sex Gods. 

I liberate potent pussies for GoddessQueens. I activate SexGoddess. 

I work with people who are healers, athletes, executives, leaders, and activist, like yourself. 

I support people in shifting from a pain and punishment paradigm into their pleasure and potency lifestyle.

Reconnecting people to their soulmates - their bodies


You are a game-changer, a unique, determined, talented, dynamic influencer.

You know the value of investing in yourself. You know the value of shifting and expanding.

You are curious, courageous, and hungry.

You are a Revolutionary, ready to be a Voluptuary.

What it’s like to work with toran

Her work includes her 3-3-5 Pleasure Priestess Methodology. Which includes the 3 Core Areas of Pleasure: Mind. Body. Soul.

The 3 Principles of Pleasure: Consent. Sensation. Anatomy. And the 5 Elements of Pleasure: The Works: Breathwork. Soundingwork. Energywork. Movement/Bodywork. And Thoughtwork.

All our sessions are on Zoom. So you (and me) can be anywhere in the world, whether we are in a group or 1:1.

I hold sessions on the 1st and 3rd week of each month. On the 2nd and 4th week of each month, you are integrating and practicing that which you just learned/experienced.

Depending on the container/program you are in, I will lead you through pleasure practices and deep interpersonal work. Some of your pleasure practices will be with your screen and sound off. In fact, you can choose to always have your camera off for every practice.

If you choose a program that comes with coaching that changes per your needs, desires and what’s present for you in your body. The coaching sessions go deep into your wounding and patterns to help you re-pattern and ignite healing.

There is no nudity. Mine or yours.

Desire further clarity and a bit of Initiation?

Schedule a free call below

our services

The Pleasure Bulletin

Pussy Power Activate

The King’s Council