Hi Voluptuary!

You’re Pleasure Experience Has Arrived

It’s the key to your Hot Girl Summer.

I wanted to personally invite you to join me on my Hot Girl Summer! And by Summer, I mean now until the end of the year! 

 Voluptuary In Person - CC Days or LP Days. You are invited to curate an experience with me. 

This Hot Girl Summer, I will be spending it traveling. And I am inviting you along!

• If you have had the experience of my hands-on adjustment.

• If you felt like once I went online, you would never have the opportunity for hands-on adjustments again.

• If you know my magic and message in person and you desire that fill once again or for the first time.

This Hot Girl Summer, Voluptuary in Person Experience is for YOU!!

Let's back up. 


When I was a kid, I spent the summer with my grandmother, cousins, aunts and uncles. When I got my hair braided - it signified the beginning of summer.

Because we, the cousins, were about to get into some shenanigans and what my grandmother was not going to do, spend the summer doing my hair.  

I have my hair braided now. The First for this summer. 

And I have just come back from my first shenanigan. It was sooo much fun! It was uncles. cousins, aunts and best friends. And I desire to keep that party going!

If you remember, back in February, I had my 50th birthday! And I am still celebrating!

I desire to explore 5 new places this summer or 5 places differently.  International and local-ish. And what better way than to celebrate with you!

Celebrate you choosing pleasure, celebrate you being here, celebrate you! And Celebrate me! 50! It's a party! And you are invited to curate a personal pleasure prescription experience with me!

How Can This Work?

You can invite me along to a place you are already headed, or you can join me on a place I'm headed. 

I will offer one or two days in each location. No more than three.

Like, at the end of this month, I will be in Sonoma County, CA, and you can come!

I will have 1 spot for a CC Day (Conscious Cock) or an LP Day (Liberated Pussy) or for a Relationship Day on either July 29 or July 30. 

One 8-hour experience of pleasure...

That will include:

• Food

• Fun

• Transport to and from the airport (if needed),

• Talking, and with your consent, maybe my hands on your feet, or stomach, or heart, or back.

• Some in-person somatic experiences

• Some breath work

• Some energy work

• Some movement

• Some conversation and communication practices 

I will hold space for you. In person.


Some places I'm thinking about being this summer.

Sonoma County in July

Barbados in August

Mexico - Riviera Nayarit in September and Cancun in November 

Maybe Greece or Las Vegas, Nevada, or Lake Taho, California, in October

Maybe Ghana in December

Tell You More:

1. You book The Pleasure Experience A Potency Induction for $1,111 

where we spend 90 minutes together online. Allowing you to experience the magic that is yours to ignite through and with pleasure. 

2. If you understand that you want more like it's one or two things that keep you from your pleasure, you will be invited to book a CC day or LP day. 


If you book your VIP Day within 30 days of your Pleasure Experience, the cost of your Pleasure Experience becomes your down payment for your Voluptuary In-Person day. Your CC day, LP day, or Relationship Day. 

VIP - CCdays or LPdays/Relationship days may range from $5,555 - $24,000+. Payment plans are available, and your day or days get to be paid for before your scheduled CC/LP or Relationship day.


3. We will have a planning call to discuss and co-create your VIP day.


4. After your VIP day: You get seven days of Telegram support and 60 minutes of coaching. You can split the coaching into two 30-minute sessions or use your 1 hour fully.

5. If you desire more than a day, and you know you want six months of deep dive coaching or four months of pleasure practices, then you can use your Pleasure Experience as a first-month payment for either- if you book within 30 days.

Let me know if you’re interested in joining the Hot Girl Summer. It’s first come, first serve—and I would truly love to have you in the experience. 


What's not included: 

*Any air travel or travel at all needed for you to get to me

*Any hotel stay if you choose to stay longer or come before your VIP day or if you choose a place/property that is not the location of your day.

If you know you are in for the VIP and don’t desire a Pleasure Experience

Click this button, and let’s talk about the one you want.