Hi, I’m Toran!

I initiate people to their Sovereignty and Divinity through their bodies

I erect conscious cocks of GodKings. I awaken Sex Gods. 

I liberate potent pussies for GoddessQueens. I activate SexGoddess. 

I work with people who are healers, athletes, executives, leaders, and activist, like yourself. 

I support people in shifting from a pain and punishment paradigm into their pleasure and potency lifestyle.

Reconnecting people to their soulmates - their bodies

How Did I Get Here

My pleasure journey, like life, is not linear. And let me see where to begin. 

Let’s start here and work our way backward-ish. Because all that I have done and all that I have studied and all that I am is present with me and my work with my clients.

Here in this place at this time I am The Pleasure Priestess. Pleasure Embodiment Coach.

Certified Sex, Love & Relationships Coach. Men’s Sexuality Coach and Tantric Sex Coach. 

I am a Thought Leader and Paradigm Shifter. I erect conscious cocks and I liberate potent pussies. I initiate people into their Sovereignty and Divinity through their bodies.

It is not at all lost on me that this path was not available to my mother nor my grandmother. 

It is not at all lost on me that I am, as Dr. Maya Angelou wrote,

“Out of the huts of history’s shame

I rise

Up from a past that’s rooted in pain

I rise

I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,

Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.”

Who better to lead you, to guide on this journey of pleasure? Who better than the very descendant from the very women it was taken from, “but still like air I rise.” But still like pleasure, I rise.

Before my work, studies and certifications with Layla Martin. I studied with Regena Thomschaurer and the School of Womanly Arts. 

And before that I was running, operating and owning a bakery named Toran’s Tasty Treats that was all about bringing pleasure back to food and let’s start with dessert.

 I noticed that when we, as humans, decide to change and transform and liberate our lives, the first thing we give up is pleasure. Especially with our food. And the non-pleasurable path, the pain and punishment paradigm is not sustainable. Yes, changes are made but a true liberation is not. 

Fun Fact 

I use to own, operate and run a bakery Toran’s Tasty Treats that was all about bringing pleasure back to food. 

Fun Fact:

I use to teach Sensual Movement and Pole Dancing that was all about bringing pleasure back to the body. 

Fun Fact:

I wrote a book, available in The Shop, My Voice On Paper, A collections of Pleasure Poems and Sexy Selfies that is all about bringing pleasure back to mind. 

Fun Fact:

I am healing generations backwards and forward, including my own, by incorporating my 3-3-5  Pleasure Priestess  Methodology. Shifting from a pain and  punishment paradigm into a pleasure and potency lifestyle.  

Fun Fact:

My current clients get all of me The Sensual Movement Instructor, The Pole Dance Instructor, The Poet and Author, The Baker Extraordinaire and the Certified Sex, Love & Relationships Coach as part of their personal pleasure prescription. Bringing pleasure back to life. Mind. Body. And Soul.

Fun Fact:

I love ice cream, cake and champagne. I cuss a little and use the words pussy and cock.

My Studies

Toran has spent decades training bodies to be athletes, performers, and entertainers, including her own. To perform and conform to expectations.

Now, She can be found creating spaces for people to be free in their bodies. Body Freedom expands confidence, deepens intimate wellness, and increases vitality. Bringing pleasure back to life from the board room to the courtroom and even into the bedroom. Erecting Conscious Cocks and Liberating Potent Pussies.

Toran is a student of The Universe and Regena Thomashauer, Layla Martin and many others.
Her work is a combination of all she has learned and all she is learning.

What it’s like to work with toran

Her work includes her 3-3-5 Pleasure Priestess Methodology. Which includes the 3 Core Areas of Pleasure: Mind. Body. Soul.

The 3 Principles of Pleasure: Consent. Sensation. Anatomy. And the 5 Elements of Pleasure: The Works: Breathwork. Soundingwork. Energywork. Movement/Bodywork. And Thoughtwork.

All our sessions are on Zoom. So you (and me) can be anywhere in the world, whether we are in a group or 1:1.

I hold sessions on the 1st and 3rd week of each month. On the 2nd and 4th week of each month, you are integrating and practicing that which you just learned/experienced.

Depending on the container/program you are in, I will lead you through pleasure practices and deep interpersonal work. Some of your pleasure practices will be with your screen and sound off. In fact, you can choose to always have your camera off for every practice.

If you choose a program that comes with coaching that changes per your needs, desires and what’s present for you in your body. The coaching sessions go deep into your wounding and patterns to help you re-pattern and ignite healing.

There is no nudity. Mine or yours.

Desire further clarity and a bit of Initiation?

Schedule a free call below

our services

The Pleasure Bulletin

Pussy Power Activate

The King’s Council